Shh…Silence Please!

Somehow the lock down, I must say, has its benefits. The atmosphere has become so much quieter and cleaner. And life has suddenly slowed down; it just tiptoes through the day for fear of tipping the new found balance. The evenings have never been so refreshing. The tired evenings that marked the end of a hard day’s work, now seem to have melted into the distant horizon.

As I sit on my balcony watching the evening light fade gently, a soft breeze whispers happy nothings. The loud call of the cuckoo permeates the air. It has poor competition in the softer calls of other birds that come to roost in the neighbouring tree-filled abandoned plot of land. Was the rustling of leaves so loud all the time, I wonder. Perhaps the noisy traffic drowned these happy sounds and took us far away into the world of ear splitting honks and, impatient and reckless driving. But now, it is how it should really be- the days are garnished with real sounds, sounds that are music to one’s ears. Do I hear a honk? Shh…silence please!



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