
Time for my evening walk, he said

He turned to look at me by the door

Dancing eyes shone with happiness

I waved him goodbye

And he walked away from my life

Just like that.

At the hospital corridor

Everything seemed to spin around me

The hospital smells penetrated my nostrils

I gasped for some real air

How can he abruptly leave

Just like that?

Come back, come back

The voice in my head screamed

Tearing through the sterile white walls

Only to echo back in hollowness.

Death had its say

Just like that.

I was not ready for this

Neither would he have known

How is it fair to rudely snatch

His breath away even as

He walked and breathed

Just like that?

I look out of our balcony

The air is heavy with love and laughter

Of our lazy evenings together

On our favourite cane couch.


Just like that.

The clock wheels around uninterrupted

Life chugs by with single minded devotion

I get sucked into it inadvertently, but

His smell lingers, his thoughts hang on.

I am still alone. Desolate.

Just like that.